How to create a shared repository
[root@oda11 ~]# oakcli create repo shared1 -dg data -size 50GHow to import a VM template
You must/can download a template from need to put the template or the assemly inside the DOM0, then import it from ODA_BASE.
[root@oda11 ~]# oakcli import vmtemplate prova -assembly /tmp/OVM_OL7U2_x86_64_PVHVM.ova -repo shared1 -node 0
How to create a VM
[root@oda11 ~]# oakcli clone vm pigna -vmtemplate prova -repo shared1 -node 0How to create a vdisk
A vdisk that will be attacched to the VM
[root@oda11 ~]# oakcli create vdisk pignadiskl -repo shared1 -size 5G -type local
How to create a cpupool
The same pool name must be configured on each node.
[root@oda12 ~]# oakcli create cpupool provapool -numcpu 2 -node 1
[root@oda12 ~]# oakcli create cpupool provapool -numcpu 2 -node 0
How to configure the VM
Add two network interfaces
[root@oda11 ~]# oakcli configure vm pigna -network "['type=netfront,bridge=net1','type=netfront,bridge=net2']"Enable failover
[root@oda11 ~]# oakcli configure vm pigna -failover trueAttach an additional disk
[root@oda11 ~]# oakcli modify vm pigna -attachvdisk pignadisklConfiguring cpupool
[root@oda11 ~]# oakcli configure vm pigna -cpupool provapoolStarting the VM
[root@oda11 ~]# oakcli start vm pignaAttacching to the console
You must ssh to the ODA_BASE using -Y flag.[root@oda11 ~]# oakcli show vmconsole pigna
A VNC session will start
Expanding the disk space from inside the VM
This is the vdisk created before.
[root@pigna ~]# btrfs device add /dev/xvdb /
You can attach additional vdisks, and the VM OS will see them without the need to reboot it.