Friday, November 23, 2012

mac os x and cisco vpn problem

To solve the well-known problem in Mac OS X (Lion) related to a Cisco VPN, you can follow these steps.

The problem is: using the built in VPN client to connect to a Cisco ASA, there is a problem related to DNS.
There is no way, using the GUI, to solve the issue. You can set network interface order, but your corporate network DNS will never be involved. So you can ping a connect to your private network using IP addresses, but not domain names (if they are not on a public internet accessible DNS).

With an administrative account, from terminal, create a directory called resolver under /etc

sudo mkdir /etc/resolver

Create a file (called in example with your private domain)

sudo vi /etc/resolver/

Edit it (according to your network)

port 53

So, to resolve hostnames ending with, the system will use the right DNS.

Safari works. Using terminal, ping works, but nslookup and host commands do not work.

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